
I am starting this post before I go workout....I argued with myself all morning about whether I do it or then I said "just do it Sherry" and that seemed to answer the question.  

I mean if I had a nickel [I could retire] for every friend who has said this to me....
"you are lucky you like to workout".  Well I am here to tell you that yes I do but I don't always want to do it!  I think what keeps me going is the fact that it's easy to get out of the habit.... and SO hard to start over!

There you have it.  

Lot's of little design things happened last week....let's review!

#projecttownhouse is coming along!  I still need a rug and a desk chair. Also the lamps....the ones there are just placeholders.  Oh yeah and the darn bed which gets pushed back on the regular....

Loving the pillows.....

The second girls bedroom is also coming together.
Got the pillows but still waiting for the rug which will dictate a few other decisions.

I found this vintage runner at an Estate sale and it's perfect for the kitchen....winner!

This is the upstairs loft and I had picked up this vintage sofa, 2 tables and floor lamp at a local flea market......

I ordered the rug from West Elm.

I picked up a pillow:)

I'm working on the son's den on the bottom level....

New pillows in the sons bedroom.....

This is the bottom level entry....which got painted SW Urbane Bronze.

The wall on the left will get a ton of their existing art.....

And hey.....have you tried these?  So. Darn. Good.

What are the plans for July 4th?  

I am working on Saturday and Sunday I usually head over to my sisters where we spruce up her bedroom and bath and spend some time with her.  She has had 2 treatments and right now has 2 left.  The week after the chemo is usually pretty rough :(

Kitchen is coming along.....cabinets go in on Tuesday!  I should have an update next Friday.

Sheriky Freaky


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