Afternoon Tea for the Ukraine


     Hello everyone,

   I am happy to say our afternoon tea
was pretty amazing, if I do say so

Barbara and I spent days getting ready
for it starting with washing and pressing
all our white vintage linens,scraping and
painting the porch floor,getting all the
tables and chairs gathered up along
with the pretty china and bouquets.
Then, of course there was all the
food to prepare.
And of course,we can't forget
all the grass cutting,swipper sniping
and weeding etc. my husband did.


Barbara did most of the food and
she did an amazing job.....there
were lots of rave reviews!

Barbara's daughter came up from Maine
to help.

Barbara and I are all ready
for our guests to arrive.

                                                 We had lots of lovely ladies
                                                  and a couple of gentlemen.

Puffed sleeves to honor our
Anne of Green Gables theme.


                                                      Our guests could tour The Boathouse
                                                       as well as the gardens. The sun made
                                                       it's appearance at noon just in time .

A charming tea table surrounded
by roses in the garden.

Barbara and I really appreciate all
those who supported our tea for
the Ukraine and I am happy to say
we were able to raise $1000 in
ticket sales and donations that
has already been sent off. I know
with all the devastation that this is only
a tiny drop in the bucket but maybe we
can all do a little and make it count.

Well, we are so happy that everyone enjoyed
our afternoon tea and Barbara and I enjoyed
all the preparations. Stay tuned because we
are already planning another event!

Thank you also to my daughter,sister in law,
 my sister
and Barbara's daughter for helping with the
mounds of dishes in the kitchen etc.

Hope they will all come back for our
next event! ☺

Take care,


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