Home Gardening Winter Care Tips for houseplants

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houseplants are an indigenous people of different regions and climates and the origin of houseplants is extremely important, while to care for them in different weather conditions. Several houseplants are natives of the warm tropics; some are desert dwellers, and some are native cold climate.

Most sheets houseplants prefer temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees, so repeated cold waves and shock freezing air from an open door could for such houseplants be threatening.

windowsills also a challenge. A temperature of 40 degrees can cause damage to tropical houseplants cause and temperatures near windows, also double glazed windows can dive near that number.

you need to minimize the possible damage due to cold weather. To ensure that plants sitting on window sills no leaves have to touch the glass. The night is pulled provide additional protection a heavy curtain between the plants and the glass.

furnaces although keep homes warm, but also below the humidity for houseplants .watch for brown tips on the leaves, one of the first indications that your Houseplant is suffering from low humidity, or that it is in a draft from the furnace register.

, it is always better to compensate for water plants more for all those dry air. However, plants are not growing as active in winter because of shortened day length and cooler temperatures and not absorb as much water from the roots. This makes it easy to water houseplants in the winter.

plants once a week in the summer need watering only need water in winter every 10 to 14 days could. Make sure that the top pair of inches of soil are dry before watering. Yellowing leaves or leaf drop is a sign of too much water.

a microclimate can together and increase produce humidity by grouping several plants. Put plants on land or over-sized saucers with a layer of gravel and water in the soil. As the water evaporates from the tray, it moisturizes the plants. This allows over a continuous moisture like a gentleman to an occasional injection.

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