Home Gardening Perennials in containers require winter protection

Home Gardenin Perennials in containers require winter protection -

Perennials in containers make a great garden combination, but you need pay a little more on it, otherwise they will quickly go to pot if overlooked in the winter.

are endangered plant roots in freezing containers , where the ground hardens more than it would be in the ground. Branches and twigs - especially those on small trees and shrubs -. Need to protect the frozen and snow and ice

The container should prevent splintering and crumbling are maintained.

Leonard Perry, an extension horticulturist with the University of Vermont says that "The most important thing you can do if overwintering container plants is to ensure that they are strong and established. "

" Young plants which are not rooted just in a pot of pop and still can not do so well . The healthier they are going to their chances, the better, "says Perry.

Perennials should long periods of extreme cold to survive if given care before the season. These include:


fertilizer before the first frost killing applied come boost plant hardness. Feeding should end once the plants go dormant. With good fertility, you do not have as many overwintering problems .

be irrigation

soil must be moist when the perennial are stored, protecting the roots.


Trim and discard according to plant all leaves go completely inactive. That keeps slugs and other insects from eggs in the residue laying

grave excavation

Bury pots -. Plants and all - for better insulation. Add a layer mulch. Unearth and return them to their usual sites the following spring.


Anything used by evergreen branches blankets, straw to shredded bark to safeguard pots and their contents. Secure a piece of bubble wrap or burlap around the pots also helps . Be quick to remove them once the weather gets warmer.

Storing indoors

Move potted plants in an unheated garage, basement, greenhouse, cold frame or similar site that matches their hardiness zone. Make sure there is a place where the temperature stays above freezing.

Some of the containers have feet for that purpose, or you can use pieces of wood. A little height lets water escape through the drain holes and keeps the containers from splitting or cracking in freeze-thaw cycles.

Large pots seem to last longer. More soil means better insulation. Smaller pots constrict plant roots, hindering drainage.

Select your perennial good, especially for proven durability.

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