Well.....what can I say about vacations! They are wonderful but dang coming home to the "real world" is a bit of a struggle....
I got in Friday evening and Sat and Sun my sister and I worked all day cleaning out my younger sisters kitchen and family room as they were starting the demo of the kitchen on Monday morning.
Whew. It was a far cry from what I was doing last weekend:)
Anyway this is the kitchen I blogged about on Dec 1st and this is how long it took to find a builder, order the cabinets and appliances! Can you believe it? #everythingtakesamillionyears
There was one little issue that popped up the end of April and that was.... my sister [the one who owns the restaurant] was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Yeah....that kinda sucks right.
I mean.....crap.
The good news is that it is treatable and has not spread beyond the lungs. The bad news is well....it's cancer and nobody likes to hear the C-word.
She has a great doctor and is getting chemo so our fingers are in the praying position.
All this to say that my sister and I were trying to set up her "suite" upstairs so she would be comfortable without a kitchen.....can that even happen.....and we had to move the bed, put down a rug, carry up a heavy chair....which involved me holding said chair while it was wedged almost in the door while we took off the door......and so on.
But...dang it we got it done and she was pleased.
High....damn....five to us.
So the demo is done...
The above is the changes....we broke into a closet behind the kitchen to allow for a bigger space and turn the island.
Above you can see the closet on the left...that allowed for double ovens next to the opening of the kitchen...
This the the fridge wall changes....
All ready now!
I mean that is what we do....I had way too much time to think about it:)
I was torn between doing the cabinets White Dove or Revere Pewter but she has always wanted a white kitchen so that was the deciding factor!
I am using the same faucet that I have in my kitchen because I LOVE IT. Yes I know there are more "trendy" ones now but I am all about function and I love the ease of this one.
I will pick out the countertops on Monday. I am torn between using a quartz and a quartzite. Tick Tock....I need to make this decision ASAP.
The backsplash is not white but really close to BM Revere Pewter so that is what color I will be repainting the floors.....
It probably wasn't the best time to do a kitchen reno but in the long run I know she will be so happy.
I still have a post about my vacation for ya!
I hope everyone has a great Fathers Day. My Dad passed away at 63....but he is watching over us I am sure of that!
As always thanks for reading.....
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