
Hey y'all.....sorry about Friday.  Seems like I keep skipping a day here and there.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed with work....working out and social media!

Oh and let me tell you.....when you get old it seems like there is always a doctor visit or 2 in the horizon!  Lord that could be a full time job on its own.

I went to the eye doctor after that incident in the middle of the night when my eye started watering and wouldn't stop.  People had me convinced that it was a symptom of a disease where I might go blind so I was all freaked out.  

Crikey.  After a handful of test he said it was probably a piece of dust and when that happens the eye freaks out and just wants that speck of dust gone!

Yay eye.

Anyway he said I have the eyesight of a hawk so at least one body part is still kicking!

We have all been down that rabbit hole on Pinterest when we are looking for a sliver in inspo for a project.  Well I was doing just that and found a pretty amazing project.

Thought I would share.

The architect is Jeffery Dugan.
The designer is the talented Beth Webb
The photographer was Jean Allsop

Quite the team.

Is this charming or what!

So that is just the outside....

Let's peer inside.....

So pretty and understated.

I am in love with the architectural details...so well thought out.

Love the natural pecky cypress walls.....looks like they have been bleached.

But guess what....I also found this beautiful home dressed up for Christmas.  Yeah I know....but you can save them for next years inspiration :)

I might be tempted to leave this up all year:)

This door.

This staircase.....

It looks like the perfect house to me.

Thanks for your thoughts on my tooth decision.  So funny because my sister texted me and said she has an implant [how did I not know this?] and the lead up was way more than the actual procedure.  And the dentist was cute. 

And.....she had sedation.

Thank goodness for mask right now because even though it is a not my front tooth you can see it when I do a big ole donkey laugh!  Hee Haw

OK....gotta run.  Get the old workout in and then start the day.



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