Home Gardening Plants plants surrounds for your water garden

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on the pond create the whole seamless appearance of your garden pond in your garden mixing , so it looks occurred the pond naturally there, "says Beck.

Creeping Jenny is a perennial ground cover with yellow-green leaves that turn in autumn orange bronze. the trailing plant looks good next to a pond or waterfall and masks any artificial edges.

rushes and grasses add softness to a pool and dwarf cattails are excellent background flora , ideal for small ponds and tub and container garden .

Beck warns , the greater variety of with cattail . they have extremely aggressive root systems, and they can grow over the pond films

Bladderworts, with its small yellow flowers reminiscent of daffodi ls, are very beautiful floating plants. Water Poppy , with its heart-shaped leaves and delicate flowers, add visual depth to the surface of a pond.

Water Lilies are often some of the water lilies great for smaller ponds, can be 12 meters across.But there are dwarf varieties available.Be careful when you couple a aquatic plants Introduction in their new home.

If you water lil y purchase and it only has a strain which is a foot long. If it really thrown into the four feet of water. it will die before it can grow back to the surface. You have to cure and you have to acclimate too.When the growing season is over, some pond plants can survive the winter.

It depends on how big your Pond is more than the plant.If your Pond is a bigger pond, four feet or so deep, then you might take all your little plant pots and to sink them only for the winter centers.

Some annual aquatic plants will survive the cold months indoors. The key is often to keep it quite cold. , Try to keep them somewhere that is as bright as possible, but cool. Some of them can be grown in moist soil, so you can take them in and keep them in a sunny hanging basket without drainage.

gardening guru Alison Beck is the author of 38 gardening books, including water garden plants for Canada by Lone Pine Publishing. She also works in Salisbury Greenhouse.
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with the Keywords: background systems • Bladderworts • cattail • container gardening • Creeping Jenny • floating plants • garden pond • pond plants • grasses • hardy plants for your pond • plants for your water garden • pond plants • Rushes • underwater plants • tray gardening • water garden • Water- garden plants • water lilies • water plants • water poppy

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