Home Gardening 5 Perfect Tips to make your home and garden of Stink Bugs

Home Gardenin 5 Perfect Tips to make your home and garden of Stink Bugs -

Last year stink bugs invaded homes up and down the east coast, hidden in cracks for warmth and feeding on crops. Last year was like $ and $ 37 million worth of apple harvest destroyed 15 million of peach harvest.

This year, the Stinker have awakened from hibernation, paired, and are now ready to take on house with a renewed force, that some say even more so than in the past will be the year.

Here are five tips perfectly at home not to a Stinkwanze halfway to protect.

  1. seal cracks up but you can. Dowel holes with wire mesh and be sure to set screens tightly over attack window. You can receive a slightly larger than the width of a pencil, so you should not forget.
  2. Try to keep foliage plants away from your house, because it is their food source. That sounds extreme, but it can be as simple as unplugging your plants, so they do not touch your house or garage. If you have tomato plants in the garden, bad news: stink bugs love tomatoes, so that your home will be more at risk
  3. Dim or off. Outdoor lighting - they attract bugs. On the other hand a bug zapper can be used. Does everybody not love the sound of frying bugs at night?
  4. pesticides, both organically and not, are also an option. Any chemical pesticide with bifenthrin is best - spray that around the perimeter of your house. Renewed once a week, and be careful to use this if you have pets or children. You can make your own bio-pesticide by crushing flower heads of the pyrethrum flower and syringes that make to your yard every few days. It is also harmful to pets and children, BTW.
  5. If it is too late and the suckers are in your house, vacuuming is the best way to get them up. Try to use a shop vac, as these things are your vacuum make odor. Empty it right after you are done.
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Tagged with: bugs • house and pesticide • Stinkwanze garden • • Stinker • error stank

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