
Hey guys!  I am out here in Boulder for just a few days....but before I left I did a little styling on a townhouse that I have been working on for a while!

It's a really fun project but of course it is very frustrating trying to get product right now....are you tired of hearing that:)

I still have quite a bit on order but some things have some in so I thought I would share with you.....I mean that is what I am here for right!

Inspiration for everyone...yay!

I think I already shared some of the wallpapers and new lighting but I had the sofa I bought and the 2 chairs I ordered from Charles Stewart delivered on Friday so I could not wait to get over there and do a little work.

So she had the coffee table and of course I had fun styling that baby up!

I picked up the throw over the chair at Ballard Designs and it's so pretty.  It's from the Suzanne Kasler Collection.

I had a lot of art to work with and about 3 days before I had some of the furniture delivered I met my installer and we hung as many pieces as I could find space for!!

You can see boxes in the background so this space was like a little they were coming up from Florida for a week!

The tables beside the fireplace were the end tables from their master bedroom that I just put there for place holders until I can find 2 chests..... 

I got the rug a West Elm and it's really nice plus 100% wool which makes it easy to clean!

And these dream chairs.....beautiful dark gray velvet that swivel from Charles Stewart Furniture.  I love them!

Again I have not figured out where the tall mirror is going yet.....

Also these linen stripe pillows from Ballard are amazing.....

I brought up the console from downstairs and it fit nicely in this area.....

And I picked up this blanket to add some interest to the back of the sofa since it is what you see when you come up from the bottom level!

So a lot of work left to do but I think it helps to have a sitting area and little pockets of finished spaces.

I guess you can tell that I started this over a week ago and that is because while I was out in Boulder I got some bad news about my sister.  Her cancer has spread and there is no more treatment.  

She is home from the hospital and it has been a busy week setting up a bed on the main level and getting hospice.  I am absolutely devastated and of course I am trying to finish up her kitchen and spend as much time with her as I can.  [lucky for me she lives one street over] And work.....and take care of Cami.  To say this is overwhelming is an understatement.

So I am not quitting this little blog and you guys have been so supportive over the last 2 years with all of my personal issues.....  

I consider all of you my friends.

Be safe out there in the world.



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