Home Gardening A well designed garden path leads to learning and better health

Home Gardenin A well designed garden path leads to learning and better health -
to enjoy in a garden, the beauty of a gentle stroll is something most people think of course. But as members of the National Garden Clubs can testify in the whole nation, for many people, the sensual pleasures offered by a garden, can add up to much more than a pleasant way to pass the time.
In fact, the concept of "garden therapy" as a tool to improve the lives of people of all ages and abilities to win, ever wider acceptance. Nowhere is this more evident than at a prestigious school for visually impaired children in Raleigh, NC, according to Renee Blaschke, of Smithville, Texas, president of the 0,000-member National Garden Clubs Inc.

Thanks to a cooperative in 1960 between the Gov. Morehead School for the Blind launched effort (www.governormorehead.net) and the Garden Club of North Carolina Inc. (www.gardenclubofnc.org), more than 1,000 visually impaired children from across the state have the unique experience of Martha Franck Fragrance Garden, onsite sanctuary students enjoyed from kindergarten to 12th grade a nurturing outdoor learning classroom.


In addition, the garden in the North Carolina Division of Services is used for the Blind (www.ncdhhs.gov) rehabilitation services for blind and visually impaired adults. "The garden Students and consumers with the confidence assumed the risks necessary to develop independent living skills to take and provides a safe, outdoor experience in which to deal with many challenges life" says Barbria Bacon, Gov. Head headmistress.

Speck says the garden with several physical challenges which to appeal, has been designed to promote self-dependence. Large brick paths are easily navigated by wheelchair or with assistive walking aids. A fountain helps isolate students and visitors and identify tone and trends. Directional signs and plaques, the types of plants and flowers to identify are labeled in Braille. A culinary garden, herbs and vegetables in raised beds has been created to maintain an interest in gardening to occupational and recreational levels.

"Gardeners have long recognized characteristics of gardens can play an important role in the physical and mental health," said NGC Blaschke. "Our members across the nation healing garden as the most appropriate and effective implementation of treatment programs work with hospitals, veterans facilities, senior care programs, mental health institutions, schools and prisons for each device."

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