Halloween Nook in our Kitchen

Our kitchen nook area was looking a little plain and so I decided that it would be the perfect spot to create a fun Halloween display.

When I shared my post, How to hang a cow skull on the wall, I received a comment from someone saying that they didn't know why I would want to hang a skull on my wall, that it was evil... or something like that. So I thought, Why not use my skull as a Halloween decoration and decorate it up a bit?

However, I think my skull is beautiful. It represents new beginnings. 
A cow is the symbol of Mother Earth in many cultures because it provides milk, meat and clothing. Cows are generous and selfless and are considered the most sacred animal in India. And Buddhists see the cow as calmness and holiness.

So there!

What really inspired me to decorate this little nook area in our kitchen was this fun menu sign that I found at the Dollar tree.
Most of my Halloween decorations come from the Dollar Tree.  They always have lots of fun decorations to pick from.
My boys really got a kick out of this sign, they read it off to all of their friends who come over.

So I stuck to the menu and fed them Crunchy Critter Bites :)

Are you getting ready for Halloween?  I can't believe it will be here in just a couple of weeks.  October is Flying!

Thanks for stopping by,



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