Free & Easy DIY Denim Flower Pot

Did you catch my last blog post where I shared How To Recycle your Old Denim Jeans into Stylish Throw Pillows?  Didn't my pillows turn out great? I definitely think so!
Well as soon as I was finished sewing those pillows, I was cleaning up my big ol mess and I realized that I could create something great with the extra leftover scraps. And after a little bit of brainstorming, I came up with the idea to cover a flower pot with the jean seams.
This is how it turned out:
Recycled Denim Craft

Another Free and Easy Denim DIY that turned out amazing!
This craft project was so simple that I had it made in about 10 minutes tops!

Here are the 3 things you will need to create one of your own:

1. A flower Pot 
I used a small terra-cotta pot, but any size and type of pot that you have on hand should work just great. 

Easy & Free Flower Pot Project

 2. Denim Seams Scraps
I cut the seams out of the pant legs on some old denim jeans. I also mixed in a couple of just plain denim strips. Just work with what you've got since this project is all about recycling what you already have.

denim strips to add to terra cotta pot

3. Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks
The hot glue works really well at adhering the denim to the flower pot. 

Terra Cotta Pot and Hot Glue Gun

My denim strips started out at about 23 inches long, but I ended up cutting them down to the size needed as I went along.  Depending on the size of your pot, you really don't need that many strips.

what to do with denim seams

I attached the denim strips to the pot one row at a time. I glued the strips on as I wrapped it around the pot, and then I carefully cut the strip at the end so that the starting point and ending point just barely touched.

denim scraps wrapped about pot

I didn't cover the bottom of the pot because that would  have been unnecessary. 

Cute demin craft

I did however decide to add a strip to the top of the pot and I'm glad that I did. It gave it a nice finished look.

Easy Diy Denim Pot

When I was finished with my pot makeover, I just stuck a plant in it.  I still plan to re-pot the plant into this denim pot but I was so excited to share this with you, so for now there's just another pot inside of my pot. :)

Fun Denim Plant Pot Craft

Here is a close up of the finished pot. You'll see that I alternated the different sides of the seams that I used. Some of the seams are more clean and finished (which I used at the top and at the bottom) and some of the seams are busy with lots of stitches and strings all about. I also love that some of the seams are a rust color whereas others are navy or black.

Jean Seam Scraps made into stylish pot

And as I shared in my last post, I have the new denim pot on my coffee table in our living room. And on the couch is one of the Denim pillows that I just made. (See Pillow Here) 
I love how matchy the pillow and the pot look together.  

denim decor accents in living room

I think this could be a fun craft for kids to make too. Teach them to recycle their old jeans rather than throw them away. Kids are always getting holes in the knees of their jeans or wearing them out beyond the point of donation, So this could be something fun, easy, and free for them to make as well. 

Recycle Craft for kids

So What do you think about my Recycled Denim Flower Pot?
Will you be making you one too?

Let me know if you do!

I'm more likely to respond there anyway.

Also, if you liked this post, please give it a share on your social media channels or a Pin on Pinterest so others can see it as well.

Thank you!


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