
I can't believe I am even blogging cause I know everyone is in a Christmas coma right?  

I spent yesterday with 2 sisters [my brother lives in Hilton Head] niece and nephew, and a friend of 42 years!  We were flight attendants together and met when I was 24 and she was 28.

This had to be in the 70's!

Of course I made it in black and white because old people look better....ha ha

My niece and her man.  They are hip and live in NYC

You have heard me talk about my nephew who lives in Chicago and got married 2 years coming!

Wasn't he the cutest kid?

Can you believe it?  I got my wreath hung around 11:00 am on December 24th!  

Some lights also.  It wasn't a Christmas explosion or anything but hey......effort was made.

And guess what?

After 2 years of talking about it I bought a car on Thursday.

Now we have a black and a white car parked in front of my house....all is right with the world.

My car was 14 years old.....Lord the technology is overwhelming.

My house was all clean for company and this happened.....

In the middle of the can imagine how scary that was when it fell off the wall.  Wonder how long it will take me to get it fixed?


What a surprise to get this gorgeous book in the mail from Hearst!  The cover alone is spectacular.....

I met Sean Sullivan when I worked on the Kitchen Of The Year.....

When your house is clean do you stand back in amazement?  I do.....and think why can't it stay like that?  Why does everything get dumped on the island.....why does Cami get every toy out of her basket EVERY 5 minutes?

Pretty darn excited about a project I completed about a year ago that is featured in Southern Home out the end of December.


Well if this wasn't the most incredible post ever.....I mean......planning alone took forever.


Headed to Florida to see the kitchen reno.....this will be interesting for sure since the whole thing was done long distance.....


Sheriky Freaky


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