Home Gardening Top Ten DIY Spring Garden Tips

Home Gardenin Top Ten DIY Spring Garden Tips -

There is nothing like the taste of homemade fruits and vegetables, and the experts have to create a new crop of tips for a backyard premium.

such produce cultivation is not difficult, but it needs proper care to ensure success in the garden. The new "factory It, Grow It, Eat It" package, DIYnetwork.com gives you the top 10 rules for vegetables and fruits grow.

1. Find the sun. With the exception of lettuce and radishes, vegetables need at least six hours of sunlight per day.

2. Start small. Big first-time projects can quickly become confusing. A surprising amount of vegetables and fruits can be grown in a bed just ten feet square.

3. Build your ground. The foundation of a healthy, productive garden is rich, friable, well-draining soil that contains good organic matter such as compost.

4. Time your plants. Soil temperature matters as much as air temperature, when fruits and vegetables to plant.

5. Be prepared to provide cover if a late frost hits. No one can predict the weather in the spring. are made with plastic, can determine healthy plant growth.

6. Mulch, mulch, mulch. Treat a garden similar to a flower bed. Holding over roots to help save and prevent weed

7. Anticipate animal pests. A layer of organic mulch moisture Use fencing to keep the field pests like raccoons, rabbits, marmots, deer and other unwelcome visitors, dedicated to helping the festival.

8. Mingle your plants. Prevent errors from flocking to groups of tender vegetables with vegetable mixed types together in the same room.

9. Stay on the harvest. Select produce when it is ready. Removing mature products from stalks and vines encourages growth of new fruit and vegetables.

10. You do not have to hide your vegetable garden. Integrate outdoor living space with a garden area. If cereals are at hand, it is more convenient, bad bugs and water away thirsty pick plants.

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