Home Gardening Perfect fall garden tips

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The Fall is a great time of year for adding trees and shrubs in the landscape. The warm earth and cool air is good for root development. In some cases, plants that are planted in the fall, tend to establish themselves better than those planted in spring. This is because they are all of the case and all the following spring to get before established the most stressful time of the year, which is in the summer.

Autumn is the time and plant spring like to buy tulip bulbs and daffodils. They are widely available in the case in garden centers. Note that some bulbs are available only in limited quantities, so it is best to order early, especially for the new and unusual varieties. The best time to plant your bulbs is in October, when the weather is cool and cool.

If your bulbs to plant, so plant them in clusters. Dig a hole 6 to 8 inches in diameter and put 5 to 7 bulbs in each hole. they planted as a "bouquet" look. You can even change the light bulbs at different levels in the same hole course, to extend the time that they bloom. If you dig a hole 8 "low can you place 3 or 4 bulbs on 8" deep and then cover it with soil and then plant 3 or 4 more at 6 "deep. If you do this to 8 the onions" deep flowering begins when those who are planted in 6 "almost done.

autumn is the best time of year your lawn and plants to renovate grass seed. the warm soil and cool air are ideal for the creation of new grass. if you plan to renovate your lawn, you must first eliminate the weeds. you need at least two weeks to ensure that you have eliminated most of the weeds in your garden before you start to plant your seeds. the best time to to plant your new seeds to get it established this fall, is the mid to late September.

contact your county extension office for a step by step instruction sheet on how to renovate your lawn. autumn is the best time of year to fertilize your existing lawn, especially fescue lawn. You can fertilize in September and in November. Fertilizer in November should be a winterizer. After the summer, many shade trees and shrubs may be suffering from the stress of drought. We do not have a good soaking rain for some time had, so you can show to water trees and shrubs, the signs of drought stress. As your summer flowers fade, there are many plants that you can color plants for fall.

you can plant hardy chrysanthemums, asters, ornamental cabbage and kale and pansies. Most people think of pansies to plant in the spring. You can have two seasons of pansies if you plant them in the autumn. They love the cool weather and is very colorful by the autumn. They are dormant through most of the winter, but will spring up on warm days. I would recommend it with straw to cover to give additional protection through the winter months. If we have a long, cold winter, there is a chance that they will not survive. Next spring, when they made it through the winter, it will be even bigger and more beautiful.

A question that this time of year is often asked, what can be done before the frost, to extend a vegetable garden? There are several things that can be done.

If you. Tomatoes on the vine left and do not want to see them go to waste, pick all the green ripe fruit before the killing frost Wrap the tomatoes in a brown paper bag and storage between 60 and 65 degrees Celsius. The tomatoes will continue to ripen slowly over the next few weeks. Whole plants can be uprooted and hung in sheltered places where the fruit is ripe continued.

Another common question this time of year, how to prolong the harvest time of root crops such as carrots and beets, without digging and save. "Summer planted carrots and turnips fall until a killing frost in the ground can be left. Some gardeners put straw mulch over the row, these plants can be harvested until the ground freezes fixed.

above for more information fall garden tips, contact the county extension center

By:. Jennifer Schutter, Northeast region Horticulture specialist, University of Missouri extension

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