Home Gardening Winter Protection Tips for Your Lawn and Garden

Home Gardenin Winter Protection Tips for Your Lawn and Garden -

During this season the lawn usually accumulate all brown with leaves and pine needles. Thus, the request for the lawn care for winter increases.

It is important to continuously remove the fallen leaves and pine needles from the lawn. With time and rain, leaf and needle debris lumps mats that can smother grass roots. Matted leaves also keep grass wet and dark, promotes fungus.

Grass may be brown, but its roots are all winter alive. Remember, the policy of one inch of water per week. Do not put your irrigation and ignore; Winter conditions require some adjustments. Keep track of how much rain we get. Use to expand the irrigation only rainfall.

Ensure water less often and more deeply in the winter. Water evaporates more quickly in a sunny area than in the shade. It is always advisable to water in the early morning, so can dry plants in the day of the sun. However, it is important during the short winter days when fungus can grasp easily walk.

Make sure that the soil does not dry, especially during prolonged wind. If you are unsure of how dry your lawns are, test the soil with a screwdriver or table knife into the floor. If it penetrates easily, your lawn will require no water. If it is difficult to force them into the ground, your lawn needs water.

December add preemergence in your garden the month. As a warm season grass weeds, lawns are plagued with cold season weed. The sight of the bright green weeds popping out dormant brown grass is somehow frightening and troublesome than the warm season monochrome blend of green weeds and grass. Read to, package label to ensure that the product you choose is safe for your type of grass.

Clear all the debris from your garden beds. Diseases and insects overwinter in old plant material. Prevent wear them in shape over the next year

If you gather evergreens from your garden for holiday decorations, using the occasion, shrubs and trees. consider appearance and structure, if you make your cuts. Be sure to cut just above a leaf node. This ensures that no spores remain on the plant to rot.

You need protect vulnerable garden and potted plants drying winds, frost and below freezing temperatures. It would be better if you cover your plants with fabric rather than plastic. If you must use plastic, uncover plants during the day, otherwise you can build and burn plants the heat. Even on cold nights, the condensation that can accumulate under plastic freezing and damaging the plant, trying to protect you.

Always be careful of deer in the garden . In winter, when less food is in forest areas is, deer are more likely to plunder your gardens and eat, even resistant plants. Better keep your brand of Hirsch repellent to change periodically. Once deer on the scent of a product they used to ignore it and eat the plant treated. Monitor treated plants for new growth. Spray tender
leaves, stems and flowers, even if a deer repellent touts 30-, 60- or even 0-day protection. New growth is not certain.

Never forget the birds in your garden .keep your station Bird feeding with seed, suet stocked and maybe some fruit. Keep water in your birdbath. Birds and most plants need water throughout the year.

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Tagged with: birds in your garden • Deer • Hirsch in endangered garden and potted plants • winter • winter garden tips garden • deer repellent ~~ POS = HEADCOMP • fallen leaves • lawn care in the winter • pine needles • before emergent • protection

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