3 Easy Tips for Successful Container Gardening

Successful Container Gardening
Here are some tips to make a beautiful hanging basket or container this summer. The first is to use artificial soil composed mostly of peat moss. Good soil such as Afford or pro using a mixture of perlite, peat and other materials to produce that will not compact the soil during the summer. Real garden soil compacts and turns into concrete under normal water pressure. And when it is, the plant roots stop growing because they need open spaces to move to, and absorb nutrients. Ground hard, compacted does not grow a good crop that does not use real soil in your container. I reuse my artificial potting soil from year to year. I throw it out of the pan. Chew with a shovel to chop all year’s roots and adding approximately 10% by volume of compost. Compost increases the room and give the plants a boost in healthy nutrition.

Feed plants weekly. Nitrogen, plant growth engine, is soluble in water and as you water your containers on top of dissolved nitrogen from the lower left. I use fish emulsion liquid feed with seaweed to provide trace nutrients my plants all require and highly recommend it. You can use a liquid plant food (like miracle grow or Shultz) to promote growth. Compost tea is the Cadillac of liquid plant food, and if you make your own compost tea, your plants will respond with a bloom bigger and better as well as improve morale.

And finally, no matter the size of the container, it is very important to soak all the way down at each watering. Continue watering until water emerges from the bottom of the pan. This ensures that the roots can reach all parts of the container and grow well.


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