Hey There!!
Today I want to share with you my latest project around our home, which is the makeover a just gave to my boy's bathroom. I'm really pleased with how it all turned out, and I'm excited to show you around the room and explain all of the little details that went into this simple makeover.
If you need a recap, you can see what the bathroom looked like before HERE.
This not only is my boy's bathroom but it's also the main bathroom of our house and the one that our guest use as well. That is why a few years back I made THIS sign for the bathroom door. It helps guest find the bathroom more easily.
The first thing I did to start our bathroom makeover was I purchased this five dollar twin size sheet from Walmart to use as a shower curtain. I folded the sheet over and hung it using 10 curtain clips. There is a plastic shower liner behind it.
I love to use sheets as shower curtains for a few reasons. 1. Sheets, like this one, cost much less then a shower curtain. 2. sheets are longer than shower curtains and I like to be able to choose the length that I want my curtain to be. I usually let it just barley skim the floor. Whereas most shower curtains have a "high-water" look to them. I'm not sure why they make them that way. And 3. Using a sheet allows you to switch up the look of your bathroom whenever you want. I bet you already have some cute sheets on hand that you could easily turn into a shower curtain.
So after my new shower curtain was up, it was time for some new paint on the walls. I wanted to match the paint color to the pretty warm-grey color that is in the sheet. And that is when I realized that I already had the perfect grey paint on hand. I had some leftover from when I once painted my boy's bedroom grey (seen Here) The paint color is called, "Secret Passage" by Olympic Paint.
And just so you're not confused, I have painted by boy's bedroom 4 times now, and twice were in a gray :)
The new gray color that's in my boy's bedroom now would have also looked great here in the bathroom but I didn't have enough of that paint leftover.
Also new in this bathroom is the towel rack shown above. I found an old board in our garage, painted it, and then attached four metal vintage hooks into it. The hooks came from a yard sale this summer. Then I hung the rack at the perfect height so that my boys could easily hang up their towels.
While I had the dark paint out to paint the towel rack, I decided to paint the cross on this medicine cabinet as well. It was painted red previously.
By painting the cross from red to charcoal it now matches the new shower curtain so much better.
Also, one other thing that I wanted to mention is that when I painted the bathroom, I descried to go ahead and paint the wainscoting as well as just the wall, and I'm so glad I did. Before, the wainscoting was while and added a lot of contrast next to the colored wall, but now it just feels more soft, easy on the eyes and cohesive.
Anyway, so back to the medicine cabinet. This actually was once an old wood jewelry box that I found on the side of the road for free. I gave it some fresh white paint and then screwed it onto the wall. Find the full tutorial HERE.
Here is a look at the inside of the box.
Mostly I just keep band-aids in here for when my boys get hurt. I'm always on the look out for fun new band-aids. I'm even sharing a few fun band aids I just came across at the end of this post.
On the other side of the shower is some built-in shelves.
On the shelves are just some wash clothes, extra T.P. bottles of bath salts, and my favorite bathroom cleaners....made especially for a "boys' bathroom" :)
This fun "life is better in Flip flops" door stopper is from Pavilion Gifts and I just adore it sitting on the shelf in here.
Moving around the room, on the back wall I still have my little collection of fishing boat buoys hanging up here.
Although, one of these buoys use to be red, and that day that I had my dark paint out for the towel rack and cross on medicine cabinet, I painted over the red on this buoy as well. I think it's a great idea to use the same accent color on other thing in a room as much as you can. It really helps to pull a room together.
And then on the bathroom counter I have a bunch of plants as well as a water fountain.
I love water fountains! We actually have a couple around our home because I love the sounds they create so much.
I re-planted some bamboo in a metal bucket. I love bamboo because it's pretty impossible to kill :)
And then I think this is fun. I have a plant growing in some water in a round fish bowl. I also have some seashells in the bowl.
That vintage folding camping chair also came from a yard sale. It works great for holding extra folded towels.
More plants in galvanized buckets, and lastly, my soap dish, which is actually a couple stacked on top of each other. A bamboo one, and under it is one I picked up at....a Yard Sale! Surprise Surprise.
My home would be bare if it weren't for yard Sales :)
I hope that you like my little bathroom makeover and I hope that I have inspired you in some way or another today. Please let me know if you have any thoughts of questions.
If you are interested in anything in particular from my bathroom makeover then I have pulled together some affiliated links to some of the exact items or else something very similar to what can be found in the room.
Thanks for stopping by,
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