OK....back to all kinds of randomness today. It's going to be a busy week because the Atlanta Market opened on Tuesday!
Yesterday I worked at Sudi's while she was at the Mart setting up....if you saw my Instastories then you already know that.
I was bored so I went through every pillow and stacked them "color coded".
That took about 2 hours and I was sweating in the end:) After she came back we decided she needed a few lumbars so that was where the fun began.
I got to go through all the fabrics and help put a few together!
That was heaven.....
And she finished up my cafe curtains for the Madison Project!
I was in Ralph Lauren at Lenox the other day and saw this gallery wall.....
It spanned three huge walls so if you live in Atlanta I suggest you get over there and see it!
And in other news I started putting together a basement design plan and got all crazy with color!
Totally not like me:)
Hubba Hubba.....I forgot how much I loved white and gold together!
On my Manchester project I think we finally found a chandelier to go over the DR table....
I went to the mart and saw this beauty from Arteriors Home
She wanted "bling" and I think this meets the goal!
I hoofed it down to the Four Hands showroom to take a look at the table top....and it met my approval.
I saw this glass beauty at Arteriors and got all giddy....

But I did get a wild hair the other day and changed out my bedding for a summer look....
I ordered these Ryan Studio pillows at Highpoint.
Why....yes I do! Had this cute pillow made for a vintage chair recovered for a bathroom.
You are probably think this post is so lame....just short of showing pictures of toilet paper.
If I throw in a picture of Camelot will you forgive me:)
If I throw in a picture of Camelot will you forgive me:)
That cute face managed to throw up on the bed 4 nights in a row last week. It seems like grass, rocks and peach pits do not agree with her.
Who knew......#lifewithdogs
Who knew......#lifewithdogs
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