Hello everyone,
While spring has arrived here and the
garden is coming to life, a little more
each day I am not lazing around in
a hammock just yet! However, I
am looking forward to some hammock
days in the garden soon.
I love the Jackmani superbra
clematis above and below.
A vintage quilt for comfort on the
hammock by our pond with the
Boathouse in the distance.
A great spot to enjoy the view of the garden
but also enjoy the sound of our
babbling brook in the woods behind.
Iced tea, anyone?
Or maybe lemonade? This was taken in
our Chelsea Garden.
It is so peaceful here by
the pond in early autumn.
Even in winter a hammock with
a warm blanket is enjoyable with
a cup of hot cocoa.
But, I must admit summer is my
favorite time to enjoy hammock
time with a good book.
We have all our garden beds raked off
so time now to pull some weeds and prune
all my annebelle hydrangeas,clematis etc.
Soon I will divide and move a few plants
around the garden before they get too big.
I love this time of year with so much promise
for great things to come....don't you?
In a few weeks our Japanese tours will be
starting again so there is lots to get done.
For those who asked we will have a couple of
Open Garden days for anyone local who would
like to check out our gardens in the summer.
Thank you for visiting!
via : warrengrovegarden.blogspot.com
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