
Thanks for all of my birthday wishes.....You guys are the best!  I knew 7 years ago when I started blogging and let you all into my life that I was making the right decision:)

Now that I am officially old I am going to be more responsible and less snarky here on the blog.....


Amidst all of this birthday talk I forgot to show you the last pictures of the Madison Project updates....we are almost done.

Starting with some of the purchases we made in the beginning.....

The rug and drum light fixture came from Rejuvenation.  The coffee table and chair came from Stanton Home Furnishings.

For some reason I can't find the before picture that had the original curtains hanging.....

First of all these aren't the original chairs.....she had them in her Atlanta home and we painted them. We just threw some ready mades up on the same weird I ordered 96" and they were plenty tall enough on the other walls.....oh's not like this is going in Elle Decor:)


This bench was out in the mudroom so we moved it.....


Again with some PB curtains....

This is actually where the TV will go.

Before....brown everywhere.

I rearranged the furniture so that the sofa didn't block the entrance into the room.....

Scary huh?  


This coffee table gave me a fit with those metal straps grrrrrr.....made it hard for placement.

I got the bowl at HG's, the 2 candlesticks at a flea market, the white filtration balls at Scott's and put them in a black tray from Target.  The pillows from Sudi.  She had the rug in her Atlanta home.

This black and white picture from a consignment store and the white vases from Target.

We had the doors painted....
This is the downstairs bathroom.

Painted the vanity, mirror and got a new light fixture.

 Fresh white towels make everything better right?

This job is what I like to call a "zhush on steroids"!  Nothing huge but some paint and a few purchases made a big difference to brighten this place up.

If you want to see where we started just search Madison!

Alrighty then...enjoy the weekend!




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