
I like nothing better than a pretty design book.....and I have a new favorite.  Of course it helps that it has a beautiful cover [white] and it is chock full of incredible images....win....win!

Leslie Sinclair has a new book out that is a MUST READ!

After I got it I started flipping through [of course!] and landed on this page...

WHAT!  Are you kidding me right now!  These floors are everything and at that moment I was wishing that Leslie was my sister, cousin or BFF so I could play that card and get these floors asap!

Me:  Hi Leslie come on over for coffee....and grab your paintbrush"


Before we talk about her talent can we just talk about the pictures in the book?


I mean come on this puppy is filled to the brim with drool worthy images.  The kind that make you jump off the couch....start going in circles thinking how you can re-arrange your room to "get the look" and then sit down realizing that it would be impossible.

This paneling....

Hello sexy wall treatment.....

Shiplap with a degree!

Shazam.....this is a whole bunch of magic right here.

No words....

Just when you think you are a pretty good designer you see an image like this and it brings you butt down to earth.

I just landed.

Anyway....you get my point right?

What can't she do?  Well I don't know but she CAN do murals, plasters and wall finishes which her team of 35 artists complete and has been featured in Veranda, House Beautiful and Traditional Home.  

Oh yeah one more thing which I think is kinda important.  She is extremely nice.  That's a biggy.

Are you convinced?  Get it here

Cami loves it also.

That little leg sticking out just about killed me it is so cute:)  Seriously what a smoochie.....

It's Saturday and I'm blogging.  The whole world is topsy turvy.....what next locust?



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