Home Gardening Poison Safety Tips for Spring Garden

Home Gardenin Poison Safety Tips for Spring Garden -

has the most important safety be a factor in your mind when you are busy with spring gardening this season. Many products, such as garden chemicals, paint thinner, bleach and furniture polish, are poisonous . Almost anything can be a poison when used the wrong way by the wrong person, or in the wrong amount. In the event of a possible poisoning, call to speak to a poison expert the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

You can also protect yourself and exercise to you by a little caution. Here are some simple tips to help you safely clean .:

• Household keep detergents and other chemicals in the containers they came, and always store them away from food and out of reach of children

• read and follow the instructions for use and disposal of detergents and chemicals never mix, including household cleaners or detergents.

• on fans rotate and open windows when using chemicals or household cleaners. Not sniff containers to see what is

• If spraying chemicals , the nozzle directed away from people and pets.

• Bug and weed killers can be taken in through the skin or inhaled and can also be toxic. Even leather shoes and gloves do not provide complete protection, so stay away from areas that have been sprayed for at least one hour.

• Wear Protection when no spray products used. When pesticides are sprayed on the skin, rinse with running water and soap. Wash to use your clothing to chemicals.

• Tell. Your children that they should have an adult to ask if they are unsure whether something is dangerous Tell them to stay away from the things used away to clean the house, clothing, or in the car.

• If you suspect someone has been poisoned at 1-800-222-1222, call the Poison Help line, immediately speak to a poison expert. It does not have to call an "emergency". No matter where you are in the US, you can go to your local poison line at 1-800-222-1222 poison control center will connect.

poison centers for parents of small children are not only. They are for all that advice needs, including adults and health care providers.

nurses, pharmacists, physicians and other experts specially trained in poisoning the phone 24 hours a day to answer, 365 days a year. The call is free and confidential, and you can get help in 161 languages. Services are also available for the hearing impaired are available. Ask of your home phone and program them into your phone for quick access.

Keep these tips on how to start your spring cleaning. Gift Aid website at www.PoisonHelp.hrsa.gov or www.PoisonHelpEspanol.hrsa.gov.

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