Home Gardening Perfect Tips to Control Garden Moss growth

Home Gardenin Perfect Tips to Control Garden Moss growth -

garden moss Garden Moss quite often starts with the development if the soil compacted, wet or in too much shade. The growth of moss garden is attributed technically to the imbalance in the soil pH.

It is extremely important to determine for a gardener, what are the conditions that cause the problem, and then it would be best to eliminate the take the next step toward the moss garden.

you have tested your soil again, to see if the nutrient content and pH have modified 3 years since the last test. If the soil is deficient in the nutrient content or lime needed, the report will indicate how much fertilizer and lime to apply and when to apply them.

usually Moss growth begins in early winter and peaked in the spring. This growth is caused by excessive rainfall. Moss growth typically falls in the summer become drier as conditions and increases the grass growth. In shady areas, continue the moss can grow through the summer

useful tips would be of great help after the garden and lawn moss in controlling .:

  • maintain
  • proper soil pH. Lawns should, must maintain a soil pH between 6.0 to 6.5 in general.
  • to the soil test recommendations See and if necessary apply more fertilizer and lime accordingly.
  • increase air movement and light penetration to the ground. An effective way to do this by taking would be pruning the lower limbs of trees.
  • improvement of the soil is often really critical. Soil drainage management and improvement can easily by adding organic matter in the soil.
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