Home Gardening Organic Gardening & Green Business for horticultural industry

Home Gardenin Organic Gardening & Green Business for horticultural industry -

The Green Business Bureau ( GBB) today announced the latest addition to its best-in-class green business certification platform. GBB Eco-Industries Program for horticulture (E-IPHN) has initiatives and information to help members to gain an advantage in the competitive horticultural industry.

"The number of households that organic gardening has use over the past five years doubled," Marcos Cordero, GBB CEO and co-founder. "The Federal Horticultural Industry estimates that today about 12 million households are currently using all natural methods, planning 17 million to change and another 22 million they are considering."

Cordero says that, when combined with the 27% of consumers who say they are more likely to promote a company aware of the environmental effect, these figures show demand after green nurseries and plant suppliers.

"This is an industry that will benefit substantially by incorporating sustainable business practices both in the office and in the greenhouse," says Cordero. "On the GBB, our job is these companies recognize the economic and environmental benefits of going green to help."

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