Hello everyone,
I hope your week is going well. We
treated ourselves to a little holiday
and went to St. Andrew's by the Sea
in New Brunswick. I will share a few
photos of St. Andrews later.
I was looking forward to getting
back into our own garden as even a
couple pf days brings changes.
Our Japanese Ivory Silk Lilac is
blooming and it has a lovely fragrance.
Prairie Princess rose is blooming now too.
The new pergola will soon age
into the garden.
The south beds.
Mock Oranges (right) are blooming
with a lovely fragrance also.
Purple Monkshood is starting to bloom.
The Delphiniums are looking good with
the last of the peonies and the nepeta.
A border in our Chelsea Garden.
The corner in Chelsea Garden.
I love this Eden Rose.
The rose on the left is Polaris.
It starts out pink but fades to white.
The arbor coming to the door of
our home..
of deadheading to do as the peonies
are fading away for another year.
I enjoy doing this job as it makes
such an improvement in the appearance
of our garden.
Well, I had fun photographing the garden
and I hope you enjoyed a quick tour of it
in it's mid July glory!
Thank you for visiting,

via : warrengrovegarden.blogspot.com
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